Sometime I like my feeling about the horror and feel your
heart beats with strong and rapid way. So if you think to live this feeling I
think the jungle will be good place to examine this feeling about the fearing
and the horror. A scary night in the jungle, despite the appearance of the moon
because the specter of fear surrounds you like a dark feel that the ghosts
hovering around you even you can feel with moving of trees around you or when
you see the eyes of the animal reflect the light of the moon to give you
impression about something follow among the trees and the sounds of birds of
the darkness make your heart like the drums of war maybe all that just
illusions in our minds due to our feedback about the movies which we watch it
every day so I prefer the forest in the sunlight to remember all tales and
stories about the love and the magic in the forests
Saturday, 31 January 2015
Friday, 23 January 2015
The nature
Really I have special relation with the nature and I can
touch all kinds of the beauty within the nature by soul and I think this great
gift from Allah to me. The beauty of nature is very strange and not easy to
understand the mystery which covers everything in the nature. Maybe due to the
diversity which includes many elements and factors that make you stand to watch
and then to meditate it for a moment. You will find tenderness in flowers and
greatness in the trees but the mountains you feel some little with a fear and
the awe and feel like you are not willing to be alone among the mountains. But
if you meditate that you will discover that it's really amazing and you should
spend some of time to meditate this beauty.
Thursday, 22 January 2015
Our existence
How I can feel with everything in the universe? It's
difficult question for me because I think about the relation between our souls
and this universe and this fact if you think about that you will find this
relation in your life, And we are in our bodies we cannot feel just some of the
things in that nature, But when our souls will be liberated wandering
everywhere in this great universe will we feel we can travel through the time
and the space, We will inhabit the high mountains and the depths of the ocean,
we will live in absolute freedom.
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Your love
I feel the love created just for you ,I think you do not
belong to humans I think you are angel or maybe you are just flower born of
tones of nature , Your heart like a leaflet of flower with the beauty of rose
and your eyes like emeralds , Your smile carry happiness for every one can look
at your face, Who said that there is human beings might be able to have all the
love in all love stories through his heart to give you this love but I do not
have anything except my heart and my rose for you.Just accept my heart to find the light full of your life and
my rose to find all the secrets about the love and the happiness. Although I’m
just simple man but still I have my emotions like the snow with it’s white
color. Just touch my heart to see your future with my love and your way to the
happiness my love.
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Small child

Monday, 19 January 2015
My wishes
I wish to live on the isolated island at least two years without
any communications or humans around me to relieve my soul from l my sins and
get my heart pure again. There I will forget all my pressure and stress which
like the slowly death. Just other friends not are humans but friends from the
nature, I dream with my freedom to enjoy with the nature and clear water with
turquoise color, I will spend my day on the beach to enjoy with shine sun and
swim in this water which is very clear to touch the fishes within the water. I
will climb the trees to hear the birds around me, I will try to catch some
fish, I will climb the trees and the palm to see the horizon. Every day I will
eat the coconut because I like it very much. In the night I will watch the
stars and the moon to discover many tales about me, there I will forget what I
did and what another people did with me just get my humanity again during my
meditation there.
Sunday, 18 January 2015
Sure i miss you
I miss you my love, it’s true and I can’t hide my feelings
about you for long time, I miss your words that always make me in the land of
dreams, I miss your smile which like a sun in my life, I miss your eyes which I
can touch the love within it only, I
miss the touch of your hand when you meet me near to the sea to touch my hand
with your lips and look at my eyes to tell me ( I’m here from long time because
I can’t live without and I miss you in every moment and I’m nothing without you
) Now I can’t empower these memories to live it again with you and I can’t find
a way to back the time again to feel with your warmth. Just now I know the
taste of separation and love sickness. Now I can feel with alienation without
you. I promise you my baby my heart will stop without you.
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
You are my flower
Baby you are like a flower in my life whenever I see you I
can see the colors of the flowers in your eyes and the beauty of the flower in
your smile, I feel with your perfume as a like flowers perfume gives me a touch
of hope in my life. Your beauty like aspect of the magic or like the flower
from the heaven. When I am closing to you to touch your features I feel I touch
amazing leaflets of flowers, something like a magic in your words like a spell
which attract me more to your love. Your are like the flowers bloom when these flowers feel with sunrise, I’m lucky when I can see
you and sit near to you to feel with that because it’s like awesome dream for
me and I fear someday I wake up from this dream and I can’t find you near to
me. I will enjoy with every moment with you and forget my destiny because I
will live my life like a moment with you so I can't describe you because you
are my rose baby.
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
Under the sun
I like to spend my time among all these green fields. I would
like to spend my life here so I will wait you in these green fields of wheat
under those clouds which carry the rains and the goodness, just to touch the
hope and the love with me here in these fields, I will wait you to share me
this moment and to give me this chance to see raindrops falling on your angel's
face to touch your brilliant smile, I will wait you to put your head on my
shoulder and your wet hair to fall the drops of rain among my hugs, I will hold
with my arm more even I feel with your heart beats beat like my heart. I need
touch your beats to hear my name and my love to be sure you will spend your
life here among these entire green fields with me. I will not leave you escape
from my hug even I can feel with your breath to be one soul forever.
Monday, 12 January 2015
All the time
Often I think of you in all times even in my dreams I think
of you, when I'm alone I see you close to me and look at my eyes to tell me you
can feel with my feelings and about my love for you because I am in fact, I
can’t say that direct to you, Always I
look at your eyes to understand my warm feelings to tell you I miss you even
when I’m close to you , my shame prevent me to tell you about that because it’s
the first time for me to feel with that. All the times I attempt to find way to
tell you why I’m silent in your presence. Every time I prepare my words to tell
it but all words die on my lips so I suffer from my shame. But when you feel
with my heart and tell me I love you my baby in this moment I can look at your
eyes to say I love you too my soul.
Sunday, 11 January 2015
My battle
Every day I have new battle with new wounds. Every day I lose
more feelings and more emotions from my heart. Sometimes I win the battle but
the most of time I lose my land for my enemies. In every battle I strive to
find the victor but I get more pains about my battles. Now I feel I’m like the
old wolf which loses his power every day. I will dedicate this flower for
myself because I feel frustrated and I need a lot of luck, happiness and
optimism in these days because I feel that I fight windmills with sword of
wood. The armies of darkness, evil and hatred attack me alone in the battle, I
can’t see anyone beside me except my soul which gives me the power to continue
this battle, yes I’m weak human but I have my voice to scream and pray to call
the power of the goodness from the sky to help me in my battle of destiny, I
wish I could find around me who believes with this idea about the goodness and
the happiness for humans to be real humans, Maybe I'm pessimistic.
Saturday, 10 January 2015
Like flower
Baby you are like a flower in my life whenever I see you I
can see the colors of the flowers in your eyes and the beauty of the flower in
your smile, I feel with your perfume as a like flowers perfume gives me a touch
of hope in my life. Your beauty like aspect of the magic or like the flower
from the heaven. When I am closing to you to touch your features I feel I touch
amazing leaflets of flowers, something like a magic in your words like a spell
which attract me more to your love. Your are like the flowers bloom when these flowers feel with sunrise, I’m lucky when I can see
you and sit near to you to feel with that because it’s like awesome dream for
me and I fear someday I wake up from this dream and I can’t find you near to
me. I will enjoy with every moment with you and forget my destiny because I
will live my life like a moment with you so I can't describe you because you
are my rose baby.
Friday, 9 January 2015
Sure like that
I would like to see my life like this way full of colors of
happiness, joy and touch of magic, I need my way in this life like a dream I
can draw my life and create who share me from humans with pure heart full of
real love, in this way I can hear laughs and I can see people smile and help others, in this way I can see
feelings like angels fly around the all without evils or bad behavior with poor
or weak people, it’s just dream or wishes within my mind but really my life
never like that it's like a desert you can hear screams and crying, you feel
with greed or hatred instead of roses, you can touch the pains and sorrow
instead of flower. Although my life like a desert and I suffer from that all
the times and I find more worries and pains every day but I have the hope and I
will not give up this hope which lives within my heart so I will try but It’s
my real life and I fear I will die without change it. I see many people died
without achieving their dreams or change their way to the better. I don’t be like
them and I don’t want die like unknown person so I will strive to change this
desert to this way full of flowers and roses for me and all my lovers.
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
Our feelings
When you miss our conscience and leave our morals, our
principles in order to get to the lust for money or a beautiful woman or sexy
lady or anything makes us like animals. In this moment you feel with exciting
or you got about the victor because the devils which live within your mind give
you this impression. It’s easy to do something bad but not easy to do something
good to prove you are human, because in this moment you fight your devils and
your soul which pushes you to do something wrong. It’s not easy to fight all
these powers but if you did that you will be real hero but when you down in the
underworld swamp you will become like books with titles of humanity has
disappeared from the dust that covers those books properly, You may be able to
fool humans for money or a woman to lust, but you will lose yourself forever.
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Without you
alone without you my baby, it’s very bad sensation when I feel with lonely and
miss someone in my life. I strived to forget my sadness and my pains to get new
beginning for my life but I can’t. Every
day I come to the sea to ask him about you but the sea didn’t tell me anything
about you just its waves come to touch my feet, maybe the sea wants to tell me
something about you but I can’t understand it, maybe I will spend my all life to
ask the sea about you and I will be patient because I can’t forget you. Really
I miss my soul because I miss you. I miss your voice when you ask me to hold
me, and how I can feel with the warmth without your hugs. In this moment I feel
the heaven is between your arms and the life without you like a hell my baby
just remember I will wait you forever.
Monday, 5 January 2015
The promise
He swore to me beside to this the rock which we met beside it
in the first time and the kept with all our memories and our feelings to be
alive forever and tell all lovers about our love story. He swore to me by
sailing at the seas and oceans to face all the difficulties and all monsters
which live in the oceans or the seas. He swore he will face all the demos which
live on all isolated island to look for at every place which may be known or unknown to find the
magic star which had fallen from the heaven when the moon was crying when the
devil stole it’s light. He will bring this star to make it as necklace to
express about his love to me. This necklace will light all the darkness to give
the moon its smile again. He promised me I will wear this star around my neck
In order to illuminate those nights and all the lovers see it in every place.
Sunday, 4 January 2015
The escaping
Sometimes when we find the stress and the depression overcome
our resistances we try to escape from our truth to our dreams just for escaping
to create another wonderful life includes everything good and achieve our
wishes which we miss in real life. Our dreams are just way create new space
within our subconscious to find new events within our mind and our dreams. In
these dreams we try to find happiness there, Just we try to create amazing
colors like flowers and roses but in the most cases we find our dreams without
colors just dark shadow which covers everything even our wishes, even in our
dreams we can’t escape from screams and fears which make our dreams like
nightmares which like our real life. From long time I didn’t get good dream for me
maybe due over stress in my life which affected on all events which related to
my dreams.
Saturday, 3 January 2015
Just share me and imagine an image that includes the sea, the
small fishing boat and a fishing net, you sit beside the sea on the beach
alone, and you listen to those stories and tales among the sea, the boat and
fishing net, just tales of strange things in the sea like Mermaid, which sits
on a rock to sing during combing her hair or tales about the fishermen during
the dark nights when they hear screams from the ghosts which live in the
sinking ships or a fish has jewels in its abdomen from a sinking ship as the
most beautiful stories and tales of the sea. Really
when I walk on the beach I like to find the sailors to ask them about
their tale about the sea sometimes I find happy tale and sometimes I hear bad
memories about the sea when this sailor lose someone in this sea.
Friday, 2 January 2015
The happiness
The happiness is not in welfare and things luxury or even
owns something which is highly expensive. The happiness in the simplest things
to do what you love, don’t care about the others or even think you are poor man
and you don’t have the money to buy those silly things, search about the peace
with your soul, in this moment you will discover your way to your happiness,
and we can find it in the children where they find their way to the happiness
easily because their lives and their dreams of simple opposite of what we do
our vehicle because we want everything we do not find in the end that
happiness.Really in my child hood I
still remember we can get the happiness with simple thing we do it by
themselves but now we forget our way to the happiness.
Thursday, 1 January 2015
The ghosts
Since childhood and I adore stories of ghosts, goblins and
the Gin. Always I’m looking for those places that are rumored to its stories to
visit it alone so I am thrilled always curiosities attract to discover this. I
was subjected to this more than once and I have some of tales about with these
creatures until I became feeling with them maybe due to my electromagnetic
field which touches with their fields so I can feel or see them in certain
moments and I can read ideas with some people so I lost many new friends when I
told them about some secrets in their lives, I don't know how.But someone told me before I have partner and great partner
and this partner who gives you this power and the feeling to feel with the
others. Indeed I like this talent but I can’t control in it maybe regarding to
my partner.
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